prismic energy

The Crystal Sheith Zine

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this project under contract?
Yes, this project will have signed contracts for all moderators and contributors.

Will all pieces need to be NSFW?
This project will focus heavily on NSFW content. If you are looking to create a SFW piece, let our team know! Our Moderators will be available to elaborate more on this subject individually.

Will there be merchandise for this project?
Yes, we have 5 merchandise items planned for this Zine.

Will there be a digital version of the Zine?

Will you allow Transgender content?
Yes, we will be allowing all LGBTQ+ content. There will be content warnings in our Zine. There will be more information provided on this matter in the Project's Discord Server.

Will writers be allowed to submit multiple pieces?
They will! We would like this zine to be more balanced between writers and artists so that all our creators can shine!

Will contributors be able to request a project bundle in lieu of payment?
Contributors will be able to opt between getting full monetary payment for their work or a project bundle with the remainder of earnings after all sales are final.
We plan to have our financial information above board so that all contributers are aware of how funds are used and distributed- especially for the final payment!

Do I need to use the crystals you have chosen?
Not at all! We love the Opalite and Amethyst designs which Zariu Wolf created and will be using them on much of our merchandise and promotional material but we want our contributers creations to be limited only by their creativity (and our print formatting requirements!)
There are so many precious stones and we cannot wait to see how our team embodies Shiro and Keith through them!I'm so inspired! Where can I find more information about crystal lore?
Please check our About the Stones page!

About the Mod Team

© crystalskzine. All rights reserved.

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